News21 analyzed voter registration and removal lists in a dozen states and a handful of key counties. The lists included 49.3 million names of registered voters and 7.2 million names of voters who were struck from the rolls. They were compared with U.S. Census data for race, poverty level and millennial-age proportions by state, county and ZIP code. The list of purged names was also compared with U.S. Census data for the racial composition of 151,000 surnames.
News21 examined the aggregate purge and registration totals from the 2014 election for more than 3,100 counties nationally compiled by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and reported in the Election Administration and Voting Survey files.
Due to gaps in some of that data, News21 obtained current full or partial lists as of mid-July for Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia. News21 also gathered voter lists from Cuyahoga, Franklin and Hamilton counties in Ohio; Vermillion County, Indiana; and Harris and Travis counties in Texas.